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Monday, January 5, 2015

Receiving: Yes Thank You To Everything That Is Given

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Divine intelligence working through me always, knows just what I need and always supplies it when I need it
                                      SOM pp. 527

That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself.
Zoroastian Golden Rule  

          To receive gracefully is the completion of the act of giving.  To receive gracefully is to live in this world without fear of lack..  Rather, it is to live in a state of readiness to accept life’s treasure, understanding that Spirit has provided everything.

          Both the physical acts of giving and receiving must be preceded by an inner spiritual recognition that we exist in a constant flow of Good  . . . one which remains unaffected by how much we give or how much we received.

          All successful giving and receiving relies on the gracious heart which desires to see God’s Love in action.  God’s Love has its source and origin in our being and is activated both when we give and when we receive.

          What would it be like to say “Yes thank you” to everything that was given?

I accept all that Life has to offer.  I accept everything that is presented to me today.  I enjoy all aspects of living for I expect Spirit to Love through me in each second of this day.  Divine intelligence within me always provides my needs.  Today I practice gratefully receiving all that comes into my experience.   I give thanks for my life and all that is in it.

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