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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Becoming Compared to Being

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There appears to be an ongoing opportunity to become more, or to evolve into a better version of yourself and to get somewhere in life. At the same time there appears to be an ever present opening to step back from any effort associated with becoming, evolving and arriving, and instead to rest in the awareness of what it is like to be.

Look Instead At Being
Being is a not a destination, or an outcome. It's not a goal or an aspiration. Rather it is what is already, and always present. Being isn't a result of becoming; it is rather that state what is already so. Awareness of being to me means noticing the contrast between focusing on an object and watching what is already so. Objects (outcomes, goals, events, and/or people) rise and fall. When they come and go, being isn't affected. When objects come and go they sometimes appear to consume all awareness, eating up every bit of attention we have. So it happens that occasionally, instead of looking at what is so, we look entirely at objects that are coming and going.

There appears to be an ongoing opportunity to not try to become aware of anything other than of being. Even for a moment once a day, now and then, to watch where attention is landing. It may be, and necessarily so, that attention is on a task or developing a skill or thinking through to a solution. And, at the same time there is also quietness at the core of whatever activity is taking place, that can be noticed for a moment.

If I Could Pause For a Moment
Even right now the quietness waits to be noticed. If I can pause for a moment, and stop my reaching for this or that, stop trying to prevent this or that, stop trying to accomplish this or that, just for a brief moment, and notice what is already here in a moment of being, I may begin to notice and understand the differences and similarities between becoming and being.

Try This
Using a smart phone or similar device that can alert you when 10 minutes have passed, sit in a comfortable position, either outside or inside. After setting the device, simply sit without any rules or expectations. Try not to attempt to make your thoughts do anything in particular. Instead, see if you can adopt an attitude of watching what passes through your awareness. This is a meditation practice that is intended to be engaged in without strain or effort. Over time, the practice may lead you to an understanding of the difference between becoming and being.

Edward Viljoen is author of The Power of Meditation: an Ancient Technique to Access your Inner Power, The Bhagavad-Gita for Beginners: The Song of God in Simplified Prose and The Science of Mind and Spirit for Beginners: Four Chapters in Simplified Prose. He co-authored (with Chris Michaels) The Prosperous Life Journal, and Practice the Presence, interactive journals available from Stepping Stones Bookstore. He is co-author (with Joyce Duffala) of Seeing Good At Work.

Edward's books are available at Amazon
Visit his blog: Edblogword
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edward_Viljoen
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8367930

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