Welcome to my blog * thoughts and things * poetry, pictures * ideas * opinions * kindness * video * stay and read a while.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Ten Promises

And the Spirit declared these words through Moses, saying: I shall have no other Gods before the God of my being.


I am loyal to the All-powerful, All-knowing, and Ever-present Spirit within me.

Promise: I shall not bow down before idols.


I bear the image of Spirit in my being, and I love that Spirit with all my heart, my soul and all my mind. No substance, no person, no place and no thing has power over me, for I am in the heart of God.

Promise: I shall not take Spirit’s name in vain.


The love of Spirit is in me, therefore my mind moves me to speak words of Love and Truth.

Promise: I remember the Sabbath day, I keep it holy.


I honor the cycles of life, I take regular time to be in the silence with Spirit.

Promise: I honor my mother and father.


Spirit is the One Mother, Spirit is the One Father. I honor and love that One Spirit in all humankind.

Promise: I shall not kill.


From the One Spirit proceeds all life. I respect all of life. I honor all of life. I cherish all of life.

Promise: I shall not commit adultery.


My relationship with Spirit brings me into right relationship with all beings.

Promise: I shall not steal.


From the One Spirit proceeds all life. My source is God – therefore I am honest, fair, just and unafraid in all my ways.

Promise: I shall not bear false witness.


I see Spirit in myself, in my neighbor, in my world. I am one with Spirit, one with my neighbor, one with my world. My mind and heart are open, for I am surrounded by Spirit and all is safe and well.

Promise: I shall not covet.


The Mind of Spirit is without beginning and without end. The Substance of Spirit is without beginning and without end. There is enough and more for all. I open my heart and mind to receive my Good today.

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It’s William’s Birthday Today!!!!


Happy birthday William.

Taken on Cape Point, South Africa.

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Monday, December 29, 2008

About this Blog

Did you know that you can "follow this blog" by entering your information above and you will be alerted by email every time there is a new event on the blog? This may be of interest to you if you enjoy the rambling, tasty travel tidbits from our group's travel through the world and photos.

Did you konw that there are archives from the very beginning of the blog that you can access? If you didn't get to read the travel blogs from India, they are still here in the archive? Whoo Hooo.

Did you know that I look forward to your comments and questions and always read them and always publish them on the blog? I only block spam comments. I enjoy the connection I have with you and the larger community through this blog and see it as a way of answer questions, discussing, receiving input, sharing ideas and inspiration. I hope you'll drop me a line soon. k?


Online Social Networking - Using it to support your ministry or non-profit An Article by Edward Viljoen
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Saturday, December 27, 2008


I have an idea that it is possible to forgive someone, and choose not to hang out with them again without it being a stressful choice.  It takes great strength to do forgiveness work.  Because sometimes we want to hang out with them again, we want to believe that they will change because we have forgiven.

“We don’t have to forgive the behavior, we only need to forgive the person.”

In other words, we do not condone the behavior. We do not let others walk all over us… We release the hardness in our own heart so that we can keep on unfolding our Spiritual Nature…

Maybe this list of what forgiveness is not, may be helpful:

· Forgiveness is not condoning unkindness

· Forgiveness is not forgetting that something painful happened.

(Remember the time Prince Harry wore a Nazi uniform fancy dress, it’s probably useful for him to remember that.)

· Forgiveness is not excusing poor behavior

· Forgiveness does not have to be an otherworldly or religious experience

· Forgiveness is not denying or minimizing your hurt

· Forgiveness does not mean reconciling with the offender

· Forgiveness does not mean you give up having feelings.

What is forgiveness?

· It is a state of freedom (Think of an Unchained Heart)

· It is relieving yourself of the burden of the past

· It is embracing the prospect of being a whole person again

· It is giving the person you forgive (even yourself) the freedom to live in peace and the chance to also be a whole person again.

An obstacle to doing forgiveness work, can be the desire for revenge…setting it right or the hope that at least you be getting remorse from them.  (Sometimes this is physically impossible when the person has passed on.  Or when the person being forgiven is you.   Or when the grudge being held is against the Creator.)   Revenge is not always possible

My suggestion…Forget revenge, getting even or payback.  It is something for which the bill is always more than we hoped to pay.

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve 2009

Thank you to everyone who made Christmas Eve a beautiful experience at the
Center. Here are two photos of people you may know. Photos by Dan Pedilla.
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Video Testing

Trying out the blackberry video so that I can keep you up to date while in Thailand.  This is Andrew the cat!  Sulking cuz the rat he brought home was removed.  I’m not sure about this soapbox video player, after you view the video of Andrew it will show you related video links and I have no idea what msn considers to be “related” video links.  Oy!  Good luck viewers.

Reminder:  Sunday Service includes a mini preview of Christopher Fritzsche’s classical recital – he’ll be singing one song from the concert during the offering.  Concert later that afternoon includes lunch.   See posting below for details.

Reminder:  Fourth of January is coming.  Be prepared.

Reminder:  Please post comments, questions and ideas on this blog, it gives me something to write about.

Reminder:  January is all about Celebrating Spiritual Community through Going Back to the Basics.

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Have a Great Day, Love Martha

This is how I heard YOUR day was going???

First you had trouble getting out of bed


You had a stiff neck


You washed your hair and couldn't do a thing with it


You felt like you had a hangover and you weren't even drinking last night


Your new diet really doesn't seem to be working out


You pulled a muscle when you tried to exercise


Your new hat looked better on you at the store


You keep losing things


The boss chewed you out at work


You got caught in the rain at lunchtime


Then the lunch you had didn't seem to agree with you


You feel trapped


Uninvited guests showed up at dinnertime


On top of that you think you're coming down with the flu


And finally, you're alone in the house at night when you think you hear a noise in the basement



Thought for the Day

Handle every stressful situation like a dog.

If you can't eat it or play with it,

Just pee on it and walk away.

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

William Abel and Choeleen Loundagin

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Friday, December 19, 2008

The Circle of Life

Parts two and three on YouTube

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From Rev. Peggy Price

Dear Ones,
It's been a little over a week since my return from India. I want to thank you for your concern and your prayers while we were away. It was a challenging trip - many miles of travel, and a very intense experience, heightened by such a high security alert, and the Global Peace Conference with URI. I am still processing everything I saw and felt.

I must say I was humbled and deeply touched by the stories of the incredible people who were at the conference. There were people from Uganda who work in the refugee camps, and women from Pakistan working to get young girls off the streets, women from Kenya who told us they would feel more empowered as women if they did not have to bow to their husbands or risk being beaten.

Imagine sitting at a table with men from Israel and Palestine who were talking about ways to bring understanding to their people, or Pakistanis talking with Indians about bridging the wide gap between the Hindus and Muslims. It happened at the conference.

United Religions Initiative puts on a Global Peace Assembly once every three years. This one was in Mayapur, West Bengal- about a three hour drive north of Kolkata adjacent to the banks of the Ganga River - Mayapur is a Hare Krishna Monastery which is on a large and very lovely campus in the middle of farmland. It is a verdant and green area with lots of agriculture. We first spent a few days in New Delhi, which is where we were when the Mumbai attacks began.

Two of the rabbis who came to the Peace assembly from israel had flown
to Mumbai first and hired a driver to take them to the Chabad Center.
The driver told them he was unable to take them because the center was under attack. They were going to visit the rabbi and his wife who were killed. Another friend of mine here in Huntington Beach has a good friend who is in management at the Taj Mahal Hotel- this man's wife and two children had just arrived at the hotel to be with him when they were killed by the attackers.

Security was very high and we had armed guards throughout the conference in Mayapur because of the nature of our meetings the Indian government considered us a high risk. Your prayers were felt and deeply appreciated.

This conference gave me even greater inspiration for the Global Heart Vision and an even deeper desire to find ways to bring greater peace and understanding to our world.

Please go to this link if you would like to see some pictures - www.sarah4hope.org/SARAH4Hope/Mayapur_Pictures.html
my dear friend Sande Hart took these photos -- she is the founder of S.A.R.A.H. - I serve on the advisory board for this wonderful women's interfaith organization.

Love to you all and the happiest of holidays to you, May peace prevail on earth.

Rev. Peggy Price
Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December 28, 2008 Concert and Lunch

December 28, 2008

1:30 p.m. Lunch

2:30 p.m. Concert


$20 if purchased in advance (before noon on December 24)

Call 707-527-8372

Classical Vocal Recital

Christopher Fritzsche

Internationally recognized for his effortless countertenor voice, Christopher Fritzsche can be heard on well over a dozen recordings on Warner Classics’ Teldec label. He has performed with The New York Philharmonic, the Atlanta Symphony, and as a member of Chanticleer, earned two Grammy awards for the CD’s Colors of Love, and Lamentations and Praises by the celebrated British composer, Sir John Tavener. He recently became Music Director for the Center for Spiritual Living in Santa Rosa.

Chris will be accompanied by Pianist Marilyn Thompson who received her Bachelor’s Degree from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, where she was a student of Adolph Baller. She was awarded a Fulbright grant to the Vienna Academy of Music, and subsequently received her Master’s Degree from Stanford University, where she studied under the Helen Evans Memorial Scholarship.

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

2075 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa









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Monday, December 15, 2008

Happiness Practices

Here we go!

1. Be in the present moment
2. Think well of your self
3. Put money low on your list of what is important
4. Engage in activities that are meaningful
5. Express your creativity
6. Make friends and treasure family
7. Practice being Happy
8. Practice Gratitude
9. Practice Circulation

Warm regards,


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Once again, The Washington Post has published the winning submissions
to its yearly neologism contest, in which readers are asked to supply
alternative meanings for common words. The winners are:

1. Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs.

2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.

3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

4. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.

5. Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.

6. Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you absentmindedly
answer the door in your nightgown.

7. Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.

8. Gargoyle (n), olive-flavored mouthwash.

9. Flatulence (n.) emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are
run over by a steamroller.

10. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.

11. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.

12. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified bearing adopted by

13. Pokemon (n), a Rastafarian proctologist.

14. Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with

15. Frisbeetarianism (n.), (back by popular demand): The belief that,
when you die, your soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.

16. Circumvent (n.), an opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by
Jewish men.

The Washington Post's Style Invitational also asked readers to take
any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or
changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are this year's

1. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops
bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows
little sign of breaking down in the near future.

2. Foreploy (v): Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose
of getting laid.

3. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the
subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.

4. Giraffiti (n): Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

5. Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the
person who doesn't get it.

6. Inoculatte (v): To take coffee intravenously when you are running

7. Hipatitis (n): Terminal coolness.

8. Osteopornosis (n): A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

9. Karmageddon (n): its like, when everybody is sending off all these
really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's
like, a serious bummer.

10. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day
consuming only things that are good for you.

11. Glibido (v): All talk and no action.

12. Dopeler effect (n): The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter
when they come at you rapidly.

13. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after
you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

14. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into
your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

15. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a grub in
the fruit you're eating.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Obama Family Gives Back On Thanksgiving Day

CHICAGO - President-elect Barrack Obama and his wife took their daughters to
work at a food bank on the day before Thanksgiving, saying they wanted to
show the girls the meaning of the holiday, especially when so many people
are struggling.

Ten-year-old Malia and 7-year-old Sasha joined their parents to shake hands
and give holiday wishes to hundreds of people who had been lined up for
hours at the food bank on Chicago 's south side.

Sasha wore a pink stocking hat over her pigtails and Malia had on a purple
striped hat as the family handed out wrapped chickens to the needy in the
chilly outdoor courtyard. Those seeking food on Wednesday at St. Columbanus
also received boxes with potatoes, oranges, fresh bread, peanut butter,
canned goods, oatmeal, spaghetti and coffee.
The president-elect, dressed casually in a leather jacket, black scarf and
khaki pants, was in a jovial mood, calling out "happy thanksgiving" and
telling everyone "you can call me Barack."

He told reporters that he wants the girls "to learn the importance of how
fortunate they are, and to make sure they're giving back."
The soon-to-be first lady said the Obamas wanted to give their children "an
understanding of what giving and Thanksgiving is all about."

The Obama family's activities in the courtyard quickly drew the attention of
schoolchildren whose windows overlooked the courtyard. They put up a sign
against the glass that read: "We love our prez" and screamed when the
president-elect waved to them.

Obama then turned to his wife and suggested they go visit the kids. Secret
Service agents, looking surprised, disappeared inside the building to
accommodate his request.
Minutes later, hundreds of children were brought down to the school
auditorium, and Obama loped onstage as they screamed and cheered.

"I just wanted to come by and wish everybody a happy Thanksgiving," he said.
He then asked the children what they would be eating for Thanksgiving

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"The Circle of Love is complete. It comprehends all, includes all, and binds
all together with cords of Everlasting Unity. I cannot depart from Its
Presence nor wander from Its care. My Love is complete within me. The Love
of God binds me to Itself, and will not let me go. I shall make a home for
you, O my wonderful Love, and we shall journey through life hand in hand. I
shall sit in your Presence and learn the wondrous things You will tell me;
for You are God." - Ernest Holmes

A service celebrating the life of our beloved Doris Jones will be held on
January 4, 2009 at 2:00 pm at the Embassy Suites in San Rafael. Please join
us in honoring this extraordinary woman whose clear and loving consciousness
touched, inspired and transformed so many.

Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living
Directions to the Embassy Suites in San Rafael:
Directions from the South: From Hwy 101 - exit right on North San Pedro
Road, turn left on Civic Center Drive, turn right on McInnis Parkway.

Directions from the North: From Hwy 101 - exit left on Freitas Parkway back
over freeway, turn left at intersection, then right on Civic Center Drive,
then left on McInnis Parkway.

Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living
101 Casa Buena Dr Ste B
Corte Madera, CA 94925
Phone: 415.924.1494
Fax: 415.924.1496
Email:ggcsl <mailto:ggcsl@ggcsl.org> @ggcsl.org <mailto:ggcsl@ggcsl.org>
Web: www.ggcsl.org

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From Gary Zukav for you reading pleasure

December 11, 2008

by Gary Zukav

F%2FGaryZukav.blogspot.com> Gary's Blog

A great transformation is reshaping human consciousness in a fundamental
way. This transformation is the largest event in human history, except the
genesis of humanity. It is that big. Nothing before has happened like it.
Within a few generations the entire human species, every individual, will
experience more than the five senses can detect. Our understanding of
ourselves and experience of ourselves are changing dramatically. In ways
large and small we are beginning to sense ourselves as more than we thought
we were, more than bodies and minds, more than accidents in a random
universe of inert - dead - matter. From our emerging vantage point, not even
the stars themselves are dead. Everything is an expression of Life, a form
of Life. There is nothing but Life and we are Life.

With this transformation comes new potential as well as new experiences, a
new way of evolving as well as a new way of experiencing ourselves, and a
new understanding of power. The new way of evolving is through spiritual
growth. The old species evolved through survival. Now survival alone is
insufficient. We long for more than existence - we long for something even
more significant, for the reason we were born. We long to touch meaning and
purpose and to live them. We sense that we are on the Earth for a reason and
we thirst for that meaning.

The new way of understanding power is the alignment of the personality with
the soul. The old way of understanding power is the ability to manipulate
and control. That type of power is now counterproductive. It produces only
violence and destruction. The new potential is the Universal Human - humans
who are beyond nation, religion, race, sex, and economic circumstance; who
are citizens of the Universe (not children of the Universe); and whose
allegiance is to Life.

This is the backdrop against which every individual and collective
experience is now occurring, from the birth of a child to the dissolution of
a marriage to conflict between nations to economic turmoil to the emergence
of new interpersonal and social structures built on harmony, cooperation,
sharing, and reverence for Life. Without an understanding of the great
transformation in which we are participating, we cannot grasp the magnitude
of the changes that are underway in the human experience and in us. We
cannot comprehend or use the new capabilities that we are acquiring or
attain the new aspirations that are now coming to us.

F%2Fwww.seatofthesoul.com%2Faboutus.html> The purpose of the Seat of the
Soul Institute is to assist individuals in the creation of authentic power,
to contribute to the new species that we are becoming by providing tools
that help illuminate the differences between frightened parts of the
personality and loving parts of the personality, reveal opportunities to
challenge frightened parts and cultivate loving parts, choose intentions
consciously, consult intuition, and trust the Universe. We invite you to
experiment with your creativity, follow your healthiest impulses, and begin
to use your life consciously and constructively.

I am grateful to be on this journey with you.



Copyright (c) 2008 The Seat of the Soul Institute
F%2Fwww.seatofthesoul.com%2Fhome.html> . All Rights Reserved. Design by
LightWerx Media
Seat of the Soul Institute, 2305 Ashland St. #191-R , Ashland, OR 97520

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Staff Christmas party pictures

Taken by Anne Galbraith
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Saturday, December 6, 2008


Study: Happiness is contagious

They say misery loves company, but the same may be even more true of happiness.
In a study published online today by the British Medical Journal, scientists from Harvard University and UC San Diego showed that happiness spreads readily through social networks of family members, friends and neighbors.

Knowing someone who is happy makes you 15.3% more likely to be happy yourself, the study found. A happy friend of a friend increases your odds of happiness by 9.8%, and even your neighbor's sister's friend can give you a 5.6% boost.

"Your emotional state depends not just on actions and choices that you make, but also on actions and choices of other people, many of which you don't even know," said Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis, a physician and medical sociologist at Harvard who co-wrote the study.
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Friday, December 5, 2008

James the Host

Untangles Beads
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Tree Trimming

Steven Abbott trimming at the Center's Gay Men Tree Trimming
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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Father David Powell

Founder of the Law Enforcement Chaplaincy - about ten years ago it started.
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Sonoma County Law Enforcement Chaplaincy

Assistant Sheriff Rich Sweeting makes presntations with Chaplain Bland to thank the Chaplains for their service
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University of Iowa Farm Machine Music. Incredible

University of Iowa Farm Machine Music

This incredible machine was built as a collaborative effort between the
Robert M. Trammell Music Conservatory and the Sharon Wick School of
Engineering at the University of Iowa. Amazingly, 97% of the machines
components came from John Deere Industries and Irrigation Equipment of
Bancroft Iowa, yes farm equipment!

It took the team a combined 13,029 hours of set-up, alignment,
calibration, and tuning before filming this video.

It is now on display in the Matthew Gerhard Alumni Hall at the
University and is already slated to be donated to the Smithsonian.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Something To Ponder

A “just-getting-by” church acts as a negative role model for its congregation. Poverty-conscious churches breed poverty-conscious congregations. Another “fund-raiser” or “increased-pledge drive” is only a temporary measure, a “band-aid” approach to financial solvency for the church. Also, it does not provide the church members with a valid personal reason for consistent giving, which should be to also benefit them individually.

Just as in ancient times, it would be wise for tithing to be a requirement for church membership. If so, the minister would be a tither. Every member of the Board Of Trustees would be a tither, thus qualifying them to handle more wisely church business. All other church leaders such as counselors, practitioners, Sunday school teachers and ushers would be tithers. And the church would tithe regularly from its overall income, giving a “heave offering” to the other churches or organizations with which it is connected, or through which it was being helped and inspired.

A church with such a giving consciousness would naturally attract a loving, giving congregation, because people unconsciously go where there is a consciousness of increase. Such churches are never problem-prone, but are places of peace, harmony and inspiration because spiritual teachings, rather than constant fundraising, are emphasized. This spiritual method of giving, developed in ancient times, still produces vast benefits for all who use it today, both individually and collectively.

-Catherine Ponder
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Are You A Caring Person? Imagine a world like this....

Are you a caring person? To discover your own answer, consider your vision for how the world could work for everyone.  Imagine a world in which....  How would you complete that phrase.  To stimulate your thought, consider this statement:

The Global Heart Vision

  • We envision the emergence of the Global Heart to balance and guide the further evolution of humanity as stewards of our planet and all its inhabitants.
  • We see a world free of homelessness, violence, war, hunger, separation and disenfranchisement.
  • We see a world in which there is generous and continuous sharing of heart and resources. We envision a world in which forgiveness, whether for errors, injustices, or debts, is the norm.
  • We see a world in which borders are irrelevant.
  • We see a world which has renewed its emphasis on beauty, nature, and love through the resurgence of creativity, art, and aesthetics.
  • We see a world in which fellowship with all life prospers and connects through the guidance of spiritual wisdom and experience.
  • We envision a world in which we live and grow as One Global Family that respects and honors the interconnectedness of all life.
  • We envision United Centers for Spiritual Living as a bridge across the illness and illusion of separation thereby dynamically empowering the vision of Global Heart.
  • We envision United Centers for Spiritual Living as united and actuated by this compelling vision of a healthy world (a world experience Global Heart) and is ardently committed to bringing this vision forth through its ministries and its transformative teaching.
  • We see the United Centers for Spiritual Living as a global community of inspired individuals caring for and about each other and the entire planetary family, thereby bringing the gift of active compassion and kindness to the world. Our local ministries and communities become “points of inspiration and influence” effectively advancing the vision of the Global Heart to benefit all expressions of life.
More articles on Are You A Caring Person?  click here
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